Original Characters


Name: Opal Heather Leanson

Age: 23

Height: 5'7"

Opal is 4th year Bachelor of Music student. She loves everything colorful and bright, you will pretty much never see her without even the littlest pop of color on her. She lives with her girlfriend Vick in a small one bedroom apartment on the upper west side. She is a proud cat mom of one chaotic orange tabby named Lion (Named ironically, due to the fact he is one of the shyest cats you will ever meet). Opal loves the idea of having her own garden and growing her own food even though she cant even keep her spider plant on her desk alive (Vick has to constantly take care of the plant before is just withers completely).


Name: Jaxson Leon Ahdue

Age: 19

Height: 5'11"

Jaxson is a second year Automotive Service Technician apprentice. He still lives at home with his foster family, and his sister Nala. When he was younger he was in an accident leaving him with chronic tinnitus, to cope he almost always has his headphones on. He's a total home body and hates going out even though his friends constantly drag him out of the house to go to places.


Name: Mack Riley Kierly

Age: 17

Height: 5'9"

Mack is a Senior in high school and lives at home with his dad, though often you can find him out of the house and at his boyfriends house. His homelife is not the safest nor the calmest. A couple years back Mack's mother left him and his father, and to cope his father took up drinking. His father became irrational and agitated, lashing out on whatever he could... which often is Mack. Mack is constantly counting down the days till graduation - the date of his freedom.

more Mack...

(After graduation)


Name: Davina Serea Cameron

Age: 26

Height: 5'6"

Davina is a huge cat mom, having 3 cats names Zeus, Hermes, and Athena - All named after Greek Gods. She lives in a classic suburban house with her two room mates who undoubtably love the cats but has to constantly tell Davina off for suggesting to get more. She works from home as a game developer (She lives off caffeine and rage). She loves to read and play a variety of tabletop games with her friends - from Dungeons and Dragons, to Warhammer, to Pathfinder.